Your contribution ensures that MensLine Australia can continue providing free 24/7 phone and online counselling to men in need. No matter how you choose to show your support - running a marathon, marking a milestone, growing your hair, or shaving it all off, quitting something for a month, or receive donations instead of gifts - every effort brings us closer to ensuring no call goes unanswered.
Getting started is easy!

Choose your challenge and get creative! Whether it's a fitness goal, a daring haircut, a personal milestone, or a month-long commitment, the best fundraisers are the ones that feel personal to you. Pick something that will keep you motivated and inspire others to support you!

Share your story and rally your supporters - friends, family and colleagues can donate, help spread the word and cheer you on. All funds raised help our mission to support men through life's challenges with free, confidential, and professional counselling services.

Change Lives
Every dollar raised helps more men have access to vital, life-changing mental health support, no matter where they are located. With your generous help, MensLine Australia can have dedicated, professional counsellors delivering more sessions to assist men when they need it most.
About MensLine Australia
MensLine Australia is a free nationwide phone and online counselling service available for men facing mental health challenges, relationship issues and personal crisis.
Available 24/7 from anywhere in Australia, the service is staffed by professional counsellors who specialise in men’s issues. With over 50,000 counselling sessions delivered each year, demand continues to grow, exceeding available funding.
MensLine Australia provides:
- Access to free 24-hour professional counselling support
- A safe place to talk about concerns
- Coaching and practical strategies for managing personal relationship and mental health concerns
- Relevant information and links to other appropriate services and programs as required

We need your help to bring us closer to ensuring no call goes unanswered. Your support helps us reach more men who are feeling overwhelmed, lost, or alone.
Where do the funds I raise go?
Whether it’s for providing counselling services, training, research or education, the funds raised for MensLine Australia provides support for men when they need it most. This includes:
- Men who have concerns about their mental health, including depression and anxiety.
- Men who are having suicidal thoughts.
- Men who are struggling with relationship issues.
- Men who are dealing with a relationship breakdown.
- Men who want to improve their parenting skills.
How do I register and organise a fundraising event for MensLine?
To register, click on the "Register" button and complete our online application. This will create a personal fundraising page for you that you can share with your friends, family and colleagues.
After you register a dedicated representative from MensLine Australia will be in touch to offer support along the way!
Are donations tax-deductible?
MensLine Australia is part of the Lifeline Australia family. Lifeline is a registered charity and donations of $2 or more are tax deductible. Lifeline Australia can provide the organiser with receipt books. Please note that the Australian Taxation Office have ruled that donations are not tax-deductible if a person receives goods or services in return for the money given (i.e. the purchase of any services or items, raffle / auction / competition tickets or event entry tickets etc.) For further information on tax deductibility visit the Australian Taxation Office website,